We Invite all residents to Participate in our
3rd Neighbourhood Yard Sale
on Washington Ave.
Saturday, May 31st, 2014
10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Tables will be made available.
To Book a Table Call
Jerri Jones 416-979-5453
To Donate Goods Call After May 21st ,
Leigh Chestnut Halls 416 -979-2570
10% of all proceeds to be donated to
St. Thomas’s
“Out of the Heat & Cold Programmes”
Tuesday, May 27th. All Candidates Forum (Provincial) will take place at the Walmer Road Baptist Church. 7– 9 PM.
Wednesday, June 4th. Farmer’s Market Starts
3 – 7 PM weekly in the Bloor – Borden Green P parking lot. South side of Bloor.
June 8th. Annual ANNEX FESTIVAL ON BLOOR. Presented for the 18th year by the Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre and Bloor Annex B.I.A. Extending from Bathurst St. to Spadina Avenue, this free, one-day Festival offers the Annex neighbourhood to gather on Bloor St. and celebrate its unique local heritage with a wide variety of activities for everyone – families, adults and children of all ages!!
Posted on May 20th, 2014 by David W
Filed under: HSRO News