Citizen politics, unlike party politics, does not seek to change government, but to improve it by watchfulness, oversight and advice
- Ursula Franklin

UofT Prof David Taylor wins 2013 Polanyi Prize


HSRO offers hearty congratulations to University of Toronto English Professor David Taylor, a resident of Huron Sussex, who was named as one of five winners of this year’s Polanyi Prize for research, including $20,000. Prof Taylor’s research includes British political satire from 1750 to 1830, what he calls ‘the golden age of caricature’. The announcement was made at Queen’s Park on November 25.

In a comment to the Toronto Star, Prof. Taylor said, “Without question, if the leading cartoonist back then — James Gillray — had depicted Rob Ford he would have been far more merciless than they are today.”

The Polanyi Prizes for research honor University of Toronto Professor John Polanyi, who won the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1986.

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